May 25, 2007

Video sharing sites

I explored 4 video sharing sites:
Next Vista for Learning
Teacher Tube
You Tube

I was initially excited about exploring Next Vista for Learning after listening to Wesley Freyer’s podcast. I liked the idea that this was a non-profit education site where information was created by users. The “rules” for the site are: 5 minutes or less, nothing inappropriate, factually accurate, and no copyrighted material.I liked his idea that if every teacher uploaded 3 minutes of something they were very knowledgeable in that the site could become a very powerful teaching tool. I thought this was a brilliant idea and I loved the global sharing concept of it.

I explored all 4 sites with LOTE as my focus. Unfortunately, at this point in time, there were not any LOTE videos yet on Next Vista. Overall, there weren’t very many French language learning materials on any of the sites yet.

On Teacher Tube, there currently was only 1 French language video and it wasn’t that useful. I checked out LOTE in general, and there were only a few videos total—though quite a few videos for Chinese. However, I recognize that this is a relatively new site and that more things could be uploaded in the future.

YouTube is pretty cool for finding French music videos of present and past. However, there is a lot of inappropriate material for school here. I think this site is very useful if you are searching for a specific singer/video versus a general search.

I thought that Clipblast had the best selection pop French culture. I liked that it also had videos related to politics/world events; and the overall best selection of videos—either music or movie trailers.

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