Jul 15, 2007

21st Century Students and Skills

The collaborative Model T project is very interesting in theory. I went to his website to read more about it. The site looks great and impressive; showing very well designed photos of what each class would do. When I actually clicked on the links for the blogs and photos, there was nothing there—no posts, no pictures. This was very disappointing.
As far as a collaborative class idea, I don’t have a specific idea. I think that it would be too big of an initial project to try to collaborate with a different school. However, I was thinking a project where my students could work with a different period, each having a separate task---like maybe a cultural project where one class would focus on the geographical location, another working on culture, and another working on history.
Another idea is working with other teachers on our team. Perhaps it could be similar to the project above, but my students would work on the culture of a country, social studies could work on history, English could work on writing a short poem/story. Perhaps we could even include students in art to do the graphics.
From all of the new technology I’ve learned, I think using Wiki would be the best medium to try this in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're on the right track, I think. I wonder if in your idea there would be a way to have students create a project or activity that would be dependent upon using pieces of information or parts of the project done by other students (as in Kevin Honeycutt's examples). Just some more food for thought.